
217 Audio Reviews

95 w/ Responses

Could it be....? Garlagan is back :D
Man I keep loving how you sing and compose the song, that's a totally professional work. This is one of those songs that I say: Man gotta download this and listen in my phone anyways! :D
My favourite elements were the percussion... you did the same thing in Leight Weight (last part) and i loved it, basically because I like percussion more than other instruments xD
You could make some kind of album with songs only singed by you, with a creative name about voices :D
With this submission, you make my day, you gave me something to enjoy during my winter vacations (2 weeks :P)
Thank you for all those wonderful melodies and keep going, you are amazing :D Greetings

Where are you, amazing composer? We lost you in the dephts of time 5 years ago and we never saw or heard you again. Please reborn as someone who's still alive and keep expressing yourself in the best way you do: music. Thank you.
We're hoping you back woth new song and new awesome talent :D

This EP ending is like Stasis in Meganeko's album ''Robot Language''. In both the artist ends the EP with a BADASS EPIC composition that closes the song cycle.
Let me tell you have a GREAT sense of audio mixing and composing, I know you will make HUGE and BETTER things and I will be with you everytime! :D
Keep going you are doing amazing 999/10 ;D

Everyone, it's obviously that RobTop didn't allow this song to GD, stop saying that! He did the same thing with Deadlocked and nobody complained!! When he release a new GD version with this song, he will finally allow!
So don't be impatient and WAIT.
Nate, you really have been with it you did it awesome! :D Hope this kind of feedback encourages you to keep going :D
I r8 8/8 m8 :]

Absolutely legendary for my ears :o
Thank you for including me in a submission it's an honor to collab :D

As I said on youtube, i like that C418 style, this is pretty good and relaxing.
This is one of those songs that might serve more as background or ambience music than like a song to download and hear when you're boring in any moment.
Anyway you are doing well garlagan, I can't wait to listen the other songs, you convinced me with Leight Weight! :D

This is too awesome for my ears. The guitar, the voice... I can notice all the effort you put in masterpieces like this :D
999/10 ^-^
I hope you keep going! :D Like I always say, you're doing awesome ;)
Greetings from Argentina bro
(P.D.: My favourite parts are when you sing ''We can make it!'' and the last part, i like the way you made it calm)

''Respect'' - vote guy thing

When I listen to this, I fell like undersea or in a spy mission. In both cases you should play this song and would be awesome

Non-professional musician with no specified music genre. I sometimes tend to make weird amalgamas using orchestra, chiptune, ambient stuff, etc.
Thank you for passing by!!

/aɪl·bɪ/ - /ɑːl·beɪ/ - /ælb/ @Albe

Age 24, Male

Soundwave Craftsman

TDF, Argentina

Joined on 2/27/16

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6.92 votes
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3y 2m 14d