
217 Audio Reviews

95 w/ Responses

The composition here is just goddamn awesome. The playful movements between chords give the piece an overall "dreamy" feeling. Almost reminded me of the soundtracks of Pixar movies like Inside Out or Soul (the "Great Beyond" parts at least). Beautiful piece of work

50Steaks responds:

I was going more for video game soundtrack, almost like the overworld theme for the cancelled terraria sequel Otherworld. But that works too I guess. Thanks for listening!

This is, in fact, very good.

After hearing his theme, I DEFINITITELY wished I met this guy while he was alive. This is such a complex piece of art, all the different pieces of the composition sounding in harmony, the palpable storytelling in each section... ahhh I always love hearing new stuff from you, and it gets even better when I get that feeling of, despite not knowing what you'll make next, I'm going to like it regardless. I really look up to the production skills of yourself and a select bunch of people from this page, and I hope I can learn more from everyone since I still have a lot to learn. Definitely a winner of this round. Cheers!

Everratic responds:

Thank you so much! This review means a lot to me. I feel the same way about your music :)

(I know I'm repeating what I said in DMs but I didn't want to leave this review unreplied)

Sublime!! Glad to see you back for another year after so long, man. Definitely moving onto the next round with this one. This track really sent me away in a journey soaring the stars and hearing them sing, very very close right next to my ears, their melodies with their flute-like voices. Amazing work.

etherealwinds responds:

Thank you Albe! It's nice to see some familiar faces still active in the NG contests. I'm sorry I won't be competing against you in the final, but I can't wait to hear more of your music!!

Gives me industrial music vibes. My fav part is the drop at 0:45... oh man that bitchrushed lead that was constantly raising its pitch was epic and the beat had me bobbing my head to the tempo. Great stuff

ConnorGrail responds:

thanks so much for listening! yeah this is one of those songs that I was basically making to experiment with a cool industrial sounding drop. glad to hear it landed for you :)

Such a beautiful track!!! The warm vibes contribute to the art and makes it come to life, almost as if you were already expanding on this little universe beyond of what we're shown in the art piece. Also, this is the kind of musical style I always strived to reach but never could, or at the very leat not yet so I tip my hat off to you. Truly one of my favourite tracks of this AIM so far, if not THE best I've heard so far next to other tracks I've already picked. Best of luck and thank you for making this!!!

I love how musically complex but at the same time uplifting and cozy this piece feels. I'm a sucker for traditional genres like jazz and samba. Superb work!!!

This is top tier Ambient sound design. Amazing work!!!!!

That was really sweet. I loved the story that you gave the piece in the description, and the melody fits perfectly with the melancholy conveyed in the art piece you chose. Magnificent work, man!!

Everratic responds:

Thank you, your comments mean a lot! Good luck with your track!


Non-professional musician with no specified music genre. I sometimes tend to make weird amalgamas using orchestra, chiptune, ambient stuff, etc.
Thank you for passing by!!

/aɪl·bɪ/ - /ɑːl·beɪ/ - /ælb/ @Albe

Age 24, Male

Soundwave Craftsman

TDF, Argentina

Joined on 2/27/16

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