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Your music and art style are just beautiful :D

Shye responds:

Aww thanks! :3

I loved the video, you have a great quality of animation, sound and voicing!! Welcome to Newgrounds newcomers, and I really deserve you the best here :D

WrongWayAnimations responds:

Thank you so much for the encouraging words! Glad to join the Newgrounds community! =D

So beautiful :,) It's amazing the way our brain canalizes our bad experiences and drain them into one beautiful, relaxing, reflexing and heart-warming dream as a reward for surviving that day or that moment our body feels we're not having a good time. I liked the composition and the way it fits exactly with the ambience, I never felt so involved in this charming sensation. Just amazing :)

Lifepoint1 responds:

Thank you very much! I was a bit worried that people would find it boring, but I'm relieved that it was enjoyable.

Great melody but there is already an Audio portal in this page where you can submit this.

kevinl responds:

I initially did but the compression was so bad for this particular song, and I found out that uploading it as a video lessens the compression. Thanks for the feedback :))

Hey, good animation, but since this web is in english, you have to put at least english subtitles, so everyone can understand what are you trying to submit. Otherwise your submission could not be accepted.

SubinAnimation responds:

oh.. okay. I will keep this in mind next time. thank you.

Hi King Animations, welcome to Newgrouds! Hope you can make awesome things here :D

King-Animations-435 responds:

Thanks uwu, will do my best to make better videos :D

This video is a jewel hidden in a mountain of good things. This has many feelings, and that's what I like to find more often in the judgement section: good projects made from people wih a lot of talent.
I really liked the story, and the video has a 10/10 quality, but the fat prize was for the beautiful song (important part in this video). I don 't know anything about FinnMK, but I congratulate him because this was a really professional composition, hope he can scale to greatness in his compositor career :D
Thanks both of you, Finn and Vivendma, both have many talent, and I think you should be more noticed, by more people. Keep awesome bros :D

VivendmaYoutube responds:

Thank you so much!!

I... I am...
I see the game has been already reased on march, but It's the first time I see this! This is an awesome and original work!
I don't know hiw are you going with the game, but if you released it and is very famous, congratulatioos, you really deserve it :D
In case of the game hasn't already been released, the trailes is very exciting and hype-ing :D good luck this is gonna be awesome :D
Keep going man, game developing is your thing!

GameDevDude responds:

Thank you so much! ♥

Nice 8-beats and a funny unexpected ending lol
10/10 bruh :)

EBBlueberry responds:

Thank You!

Hey again, scrappo, it looks like we found in submission judgement again. Nothing new to say, except for the great animation quality and original story (nice improvised credits lol)
I like it 5/5 :)

Scrappo responds:

Well met good sir, and happy media absorption!

Non-professional musician with no specified music genre. I sometimes tend to make weird amalgamas using orchestra, chiptune, ambient stuff, etc.
Thank you for passing by!!

/aɪl·bɪ/ - /ɑːl·beɪ/ - /ælb/ @Albe

Age 24, Male

Soundwave Craftsman

TDF, Argentina

Joined on 2/27/16

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