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Man, I don't know you or your works, but as I saw in this video you were something unknown who started to grow considerably in Youtube and did HUGE things.
I just wanted to tell you congratulations and I hope you keep growing (I guarantee you in Newgrounds you still being as awesome as youtube), and go for more!
Hope you can reach 500k or EVEN A MILLION SUSCRIBERS!! :D
Greetings :)

storytellerYT responds:

Thank you, it truly means a lot

This submission is something EVERYONE ON NEWGROUNDS MUST SEE. This got many good jokes, good animation quality and an original idea. So I will judge this with a 10/10 Congrats :D
Keep going you're doing awesome! :DD

Scrappo responds:

Hey Glaan, thank you so much for your kind words! We here at OMNIS want nothing more than to entertain people (And of course to take over the planet utilizing the inevitable robot uprising)! We'll be uploading some new shorts very soon, we have a whole truckload of em lined up that are itchin to enter your visual cortexes. :)

Me encantó la animación estaba muy fluida, y la calidad de los personajes, el ambiente y la trama estaban muy bien desarrolladas. Se pueden explotar los recursos y los personajes a tu favor para crear muy buenas historias. Seguí así! :D
Fantástico trabajo compañero salu2 de Argentina :D
10/10 ^-^

DrakoCreator responds:

:3 Gracias en verdad y si realmente me esfuerzo para que las animaciones poco a poco tengan mas calidad solo que la hisotria de Horacio Jorge y Micaela no es mia pero aun asi hare lo mejor respecto animación y Show esa si es mi historia, lo estoy explotando al maximo ademas Show lo funde el 20 de Julio del 2016, lo fui desarollando como tiras comicas end donde mejore a los personajes como la trama en general y lo lance como serie animada el 20 de julio del 2016 con motivo del primer aniversario y mas recientemente me anime a subirlas aqui NG :D YSaludos desde Mexico Bro Bv

The music lagged a bit just before the battle starts. I think you should include the song in the credits and ask the autor if you can use it, so this doesn't get blammed for non-crediting :P
Nice animation :D

Juzz10 responds:

Wow! i though no one did'nt like this but thanks!!!
I cant believe that you like my animation!

But how can I remove the under judgement??
please help :/ please

Nevermind the under judgement remove beacause of your advise Thank you so much :)

Nice animation smoothness, it's ok :)
You can now grab that (pear okno) little guy and develope an entire character and make it's own short movie. You can do it! :D

EliasCheese responds:

Haha, thanks for the cheers dude and also for the feedback.
I really appreciate it :D

I really liked the composition, song and image quality, and very well structured and funny storyboard xD
Next tv show? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Keep going this is amazing! :D

mCabrera07 responds:

Wow, thanks!
999/10 is way too generous but yeah, we're all hoping it has a future in Television.
It's on YouTube now too, so give it a share of you wanna help grassroots this to another level :)

Nice story and 3D animation dude great work :D
(you should make it longer and put a beggining and an end so you'll have a great story ;)

Mranthony2 responds:

Thank you. It was a hard process, but I pulled through.
This happens to just be a portion of a larger movie from the Kim Possible Series. I just used it as inspiration to actually get into animation. But of course with ponies... I don't know if thats a good thing or not, but they are much difficult to animate due to four limbs needing to be moved in order to create a walking effect. Soon I will transfer my knowledge to human models, just as I did with my drawings. It will be much easier to animate though, because- well 2 legs, 2 arms... You get the picture xD
I appreciate your feedback.

Nice 3D animation, very funny! xD

Talverty responds:

Glad you enjoyed the humour! Although pertaining to the animations I can't take any real credit for the models, I'm just using some mods to a game engine that I use to shoot the scenes which is why I have a machinima tag.

I have seen stuff similar in that regard posted here in the past but I do have some doubts about whether it actually has a place here for that reason. The few times I pm'd people I didn't get much of a response so if you or anyone else watching has an opinion of whether or not this type of work is ok here I'd be glad to hear it.

Non-professional musician with no specified music genre. I sometimes tend to make weird amalgamas using orchestra, chiptune, ambient stuff, etc.
Thank you for passing by!!

/aɪl·bɪ/ - /ɑːl·beɪ/ - /ælb/ @Albe

Age 24, Male

Soundwave Craftsman

TDF, Argentina

Joined on 2/27/16

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