
95 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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The composition is so warm, mystic and misterious, as well as the expressions of each instrument. And the instruments are carefully well chosen and well used as always. I love every detail of this piece which btw makes me feel like I'm actually there, discovering the magical realm of snow elves for the first time and getting shocked by their beautiful magic. Very very nice work man!!

Everratic responds:

Thank you for the lovely comments! I especially love to hear that the music took you to another place.

I'd shake my skeleton to this all day dude
Hope you win some of the prize, this is really good stuff!

TeraVex responds:

Thank you so much ahh! I don't expect to win any prizes for pixel day I mostly did it for the experience and as a creative lesson for myself!... Considering the responses I think that I have used the knowledge I've learned well!

I'll have this song in my head forever. I will never know how did you achieve this "retro" kind of sound design, but I'm at least certain that this is soooo catchy!! I love it, it's perfect for the minigame. Merry Tankmas dude!!

SplatterDash responds:

Thanks Albe! Merry Tankmas to you too!

I am speechless. This piece is so complex and atmospherical (I got lost at the warm ethereal vibes at times), and I can feel how you speak with every single note of every single instrument. I felt this song so much at a deep personal level, that it even made me reflect on what I am right now, and what I'm doing right now, and where I'm going from now. Thank you for this, and I wish you the best for this contest, and most importantly life in general.

Phonometrologist responds:

This is perhaps the most flattering response I've received. I never know how others will take it so thank you very much for sharing your thoughts. I'm afraid if I say too much, words will become redundant. It's becoming a discipline of mine to simply enjoy the notes equally as opposed to trying to make them more than what they ought to be as influenced by what I think others would like. The music only becomes real when I stop being fake.

Gosh this is soooo energetic and epic ashgdfjksdhjjhsdkghsjcxnvbh I love it all, needless to say I feel it's fitting for a final round due to its theme of a final battle
Reminds me of those videogame boss-battles and how epic they used to be. An absolute banger of a track man great work and best of lucks on this round!!

Mackievellian responds:

Aaaah thanks it's been an absolute blaaaast! Best of luck to you too your track slaps my man. Let's do it!

Always loving your waterflame style! This one also reminds me to a couple songs from Pirate Dance Machine by F-777, with those pirate adventure vibes. Great work and wish you luck on this round ^-^

Preds responds:

Thank you! And good luck to you too!

Episode 25 on a 25???? at 5pm???? and the filesize is 50???? and it lasts 50mins??¿¿¿¿???
Edit: swag

PsychoGoldfish responds:

5 people on the show AND you voted 5 OMG OMG!!!

also... swag

Xinxinix responds:


GoodL responds:


Wow. This was quite emotional. Absolutely loved it. Congrats to your friend for their wedding and I wish you success in this round!!

ConnorHeather responds:

Aw you're too kind! Thank you!

Superb sound design as always. Super fan of the creepy and hella-cursed characteristic vibes of yours as always

LD-W responds:

Design work for track ideas like this are some of the most fun to do, also some of the easiest for myself since that's the kind of thing I've been toying with for almost a decade at this point!

The most difficult part really is balancing everything well and controlling the dynamics of enormous transitionals and percussion libs. When you've got multiple textures, sound effects, weaving leads/arps, percussion and voices all at once, aggressively cutting off unwanted frequencies on every single channel and making very regular use (but also very delicate use) of Multiband and Parallel Compression is insanely-vital. Getting it to a 100% satisfactory state will never be accomplish-able, but it's 'fine' enough for the state the project is in, even if I can sit here and nitpick issues with the export. EWSC Platinum's Wordbuilder is also a fiddly pain to get it to shout out English stuff properly, that admittedly took quite awhie to get down haha

Even with Smart-Disable on, this was hitting 100% load at certain parts on my Ryzen 7 3700X (even with my buffer adjusted and also my project PPQ turned right down), so the processing was getting pretty immense, especially the 1:37 to 1:53 section where trying to play it back inside my DAW was just met with "KRRRRKKRKRKRKR". I neeeeeed some extra cores haha

Glad you enjoyed the piece l a d

Oh my goooooooood so epiiiiiiic!! I loved that duet with the guitar against the violin and the choirs at the background!
This is some top-quality experiment, amazing work! Good luck in the competition as runner-up, I'm sure you'll crush it if you get the opportunity.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thanks! I'm glad a lot of people are liking the duet section. At that point I was trying to think of something to do to keep the track interesting, and to give the last part a bit of a different feel. Sorry for the late response!

Non-professional musician with no specified music genre. I sometimes tend to make weird amalgamas using orchestra, chiptune, ambient stuff, etc.
Thank you for passing by!!

/aɪl·bɪ/ - /ɑːl·beɪ/ - /ælb/ @Albe

Age 24, Male

Soundwave Craftsman

TDF, Argentina

Joined on 2/27/16

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3y 2m 14d