
95 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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So uplifting and inspiring, this became one of my favourite songs of yours. Amazing work you did!!

JessieYun responds:

Hey Albe,
Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I enjoyed listening to this. The clean sound, the drums marking each step of the song and the lead violins in charge of telling the story are really good instrument choices.
As a dumb tiny suggestion, you can also add a bit of accordion melody to provide more of that fresh pirate feeling.
Keep up the great work!

OpenLight responds:

I'd love to try an accordion sometime! I just need to find a good VST for it. I have a big pack of VST's, I'll search through to see what I've got.

Thanks for the review! Glad you liked it

Sweet cute music! What did you use for the drums?

ninjamuffin99 responds:

Ahh i knew i forgot sonething in the description. Its fron this hiphop drum pack that has a bunch of snares, kicks, high hats, etc.

I think i found it by googling "808 drum pack" and clicked on the first result lmao which im preeeetty sure is this https://soundpacks.com/free-sound-packs/808-drum-kit/

I just saw the movie and your compositions fit perfectly good! A total Hollywood-movie-production-quality Jess, congrats ^^

JessieYun responds:

Hey AlbeGian,
Thank you so much for the comment, I'm glad you think so!

A legend has returned. Welcome back F-777 :)

F-777 responds:

Welcome back to you too! Thanks so much!!!
I never left NG just posts got way fewer

I really love how clean is the sound, the way the instruments are distributed in the song and the beautiful angel voice who leads this song to greatness! Amazing work you two!!

endKmusic responds:

Thanks man, appreciate it. :)
Glad you enjoyed it!

This is the moment where we realize you have a huge capacity for producing more than one genre of music. Perfect orchestral and perfect electronic music in your repertoire means that you have a HUGE talent to produce music in any for you want! Congrats for your release, and keep following your dreams! :D

JessieYun responds:

Hey AlbeGian,
Thank you very much for the comment and encouragement, it really means a lot to me!

Reminds me a lot to C418's old days. Nice piece of work!

ninjamuffin99 responds:

its only a matter of time before im doin minecraft 2 OST

This is legendary! Congrats for being in Tom's February Mix album compilation this year! :D

FelixZophar responds:

Wait! Really?!?

Non-professional musician with no specified music genre. I sometimes tend to make weird amalgamas using orchestra, chiptune, ambient stuff, etc.
Thank you for passing by!!

/aɪl·bɪ/ - /ɑːl·beɪ/ - /ælb/ @Albe

Age 24, Male

Soundwave Craftsman

TDF, Argentina

Joined on 2/27/16

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