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A story sucessfully told through music and sound effects, with moments of action, discovery, adventure, spaceships, journey to the unknown... all in one piece of art
Amazing opening for the album jess!!! :D

JessieYun responds:

Hey AlbeGian,
Thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Oh my god the uprising orchestra and vocals are so emotionally great! Congrats to you and Cami for an amazing song! You two make a great duo

NahuPyrope responds:

I know we do<3, she's amazing!

Sweet, fast and clean. Awesome work i loved it!!! ^^

rymdkraft responds:

Thank you!

The chords... the instruments... the epicness... this is true harmony! well done jess!!! :D

JessieYun responds:

Hey AlbeGian,
Thank you so much for the comment! Glad you enjoyed it!

The instruments sound pretty clean and your instrument choice is kinda accurate, but I'm not 100% convinced with the composition. Some melodies are repetitive and you can get tired of hearing the same loops over and over if you don't make it variate (you can change notes, or drums pattern, etc. All experiments are up to you)
Still, it's pretty hard (at least for me, so that's what it makes jazz awesome) to make a realistic jazz composition so I'll give you points for that.
Overall, I pretty liked it, great job :D

Poosac responds:

Yes, I agree. This composition was created for a contest where we had to use a melody inside a composition. The melody must be recognizable, that's why it sounds so repetitive at some points. If I didn't have this restraint I would have gone all out.
Thank you for the lovely review! :^)

Next time I'm gonna write a piece that will sound *jazzier* than this one since I had a blast making this one and I will try to make more variations in the drums (Jazzy Drum patterns are so hard!!!)

That third place is very well deserved man i keep loving it :D

FateModified responds:

Thanks, AlbeGian, I appreciate that! And congratulations on your song https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/817659 winning sixth place in the compo. :)

This is extraordinary! What do you use to make your music? Salutations btw c:

Shye responds:

Thanks! It's not really all that professional but for this album I used audacity to mix everything :P

THIS SOUNDS HELLA GREAT!!! Nice work dude :D

Abendland responds:

Thanks m8te!

Una obra maestra :D
Pienso que encontraste un buen balance entre lo armónico y las vibras metaleras jaja bien hecho!

NahuPyrope responds:

Graaaacias Gian!

Non-professional musician with no specified music genre. I sometimes tend to make weird amalgamas using orchestra, chiptune, ambient stuff, etc.
Thank you for passing by!!

/aɪl·bɪ/ - /ɑːl·beɪ/ - /ælb/ @Albe

Age 24, Male

Soundwave Craftsman

TDF, Argentina

Joined on 2/27/16

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3y 2m 14d